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Simplify Selling


Showell is a sales enablement platform that simplifies managing, finding, presenting, sharing, tracking, and analyzing sales content.

Used Across Industries

Our customers from various industries use Showell, the intuitive Sales Enablement tool, to effectively use their sales collateral and focus on selling value and solving business challenges.

Read customer success stories

Machines and Vehicles
Machines and Vehicles

Provide your sales reps, dealers and distributors the right content. Stand out from the competition with informative, visual and reactive sales meetings.


Make your salespeople experts on the products they sell and impress your customers with tailored presentations that match their specific needs.


Engage professional buyers with a professional sales tool in a complex sales environment. Sell value and ROI over features at every step of a buying journey.


Keep your sales in control. Ensure that sales reps have the right, on-brand and compliant, sales and marketing collateral ready at their fingertips.

Consumer Packaged Goods
Consumer Packaged Goods

Spend less time tracking the latest promotional content and more time discussing your prospects business challenges.

Financial Services
Financial Services

Impress and help your customers make decisions with controlled, on-brand and tailored presentations at every meeting.

Energy and Waste
Energy and Waste

The energy and waste industry is experiencing profound disruptive change. Selling sustainable solutions with a modern sales tool gives you a competitive edge.

B2B Software
B2B Software

Your sales pitch should focus on adding value and addressing your prospect's business needs instead of your product capabilities. Start selling better face-to-face and virtually. 

Learn More About Showell's Benefits


Discover how our easy-to-use sales enablement tool helps you close larger deals and accelerate revenue growth.


Dive Deeper into Sales Enablement

Why not take a more detailed look into what Showell and the world of sales enablement have to offer. Discover actionable tips and insights below.

"Showell Makes You Look Professional"

"It’s a great tool. It helps to get your message across. We’ve had great success with the option to share the presentations. Showell makes you look professional."

Sales Manager
Conrad C.Sales Manager, Sleipner