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Sep 202313 min read

Mastering Sales Onboarding: The Key to Success in B2B Sales

Did you know that according to G2, strong sales onboarding programs can get your new hires contributing a whopping 3.4 months faster?

That's a 37% advantage over companies with weak onboarding processes. Clearly, investing in a well-structured sales onboarding process isn't just about paperwork; it's a strategic move that fuels sales success.

In this blog post, we hope to provide you with clarity around sales onboarding, highlight its significance, and provide actionable steps for implementation and continuous learning.

What you’ll learn about sales onboarding:

What is Sales Onboarding?

Sales onboarding is a dedicated process of training to guide and equip new sales hires with the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to perform effectively.

It goes beyond a mere introduction to the company's products or services, encompassing training on the company culture, sales processes, customer relationship management systems, and industry knowledge. 

Key Components of An Effective Sales Onboarding Process

The sales onboarding process can be thought of as a journey rather than a one-time event, a journey that begins with the first impression on the new hire's first day and extends over the first few months of their employment, with the ultimate goal of accelerating their time to full productivity.

Some key components and steps in a typical sales onboarding process include:


Introduction to the company's history, culture, mission, and values.

Product and Service Training

Deep dive into the details of what the company sells, its features, benefits, and how it stands out against competitors.

Sales Process and Methodology

Understanding the company's sales cycle, customer personas, and specific techniques or methods the company uses to sell.

Tools and Technology

Familiarizing the sales rep with CRM systems, lead generation tools, communication platforms, and any other software or tech resources they'll use.

Role-playing and Scenarios

Practicing sales calls, handling objections, and going through various sales situations to prepare the rep for real-world scenarios.

Mentoring and Shadowing

Pairing the new sales rep with a more experienced peer or mentor to observe and learn from real sales interactions.

Goals and Expectations

Setting clear performance expectations, metrics, and KPIs for the new salesperson.

Continuous Learning

Offering advanced training, workshops, or courses to keep sales reps updated on industry trends, new products, or advanced sales techniques.

Feedback and Evaluation

Regular check-ins to assess the progress of the new sales rep, provide constructive feedback, and adjust training as necessary.

Properly onboarding your sales team can make a significant difference in how quickly your new salespeople adapt to their roles and begin contributing to the company's revenue. It can also reduce turnover rates, as well-prepared sales reps are more likely to feel confident and satisfied in their roles.


👉 Partner enablement plays a crucial role in enabling effective onboarding programs, continuous product training, and ensuring easy access to the latest content and resources, all aimed at engaging and motivating partners to prioritize your offerings. Read more about The 3 Best Practices for Partner Enablement.


Learning and Training feature in Showell's sales enablement app

Why Does Sales Onboarding Matter?

Onboarding sales reps is an important step in ensuring successful sales performance. It helps new employees to understand the company's goals and expectations, as well as providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful. 

There are other causes that impact sales performance, but an aspect commonly seen lacking is on onboarding. Sales onboarding plays a crucial role in affecting long-term company growth. 

Here's why it matters:

Decrease Time To Productivity And Turnover Rates

For a new salesperson getting up to full productivity usually takes a little more than 6 months, according to Gartner. An effective onboarding process can shorten the period it takes for a new salesperson to get up to speed.

According to the Gartner Sales Enablement Benchmark report, time to productivity can be decreased by spending at least six weeks onboarding new hires. Instead of navigating their role without guidance, they are provided with the tools, knowledge, and resources to hit their sales targets faster.

Sales reps who undergo a comprehensive onboarding process are also likely to feel more valued, supported, and confident in their roles. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and, consequently, lower turnover rates, which are crucial given the high costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.

Sales reps who undergo a comprehensive onboarding process are also likely to feel more valued, supported, and confident in their roles.

Keep in mind that sales roles have the second-highest turnover rate (Gartner, 2020), and ineffective onboarding can increase your turnover rate even more. On the other hand, effective onboarding can decrease turnover and also improve quota attainment and win rates (Korn Ferry, 2020). 

Consistent Customer Experience

Effective onboarding can give you a competitive edge. Your reps can respond faster, adapt to market changes more readily, and deliver superior customer experiences compared to competitors with less structured or effective onboarding processes.

Great onboarding also ensures that all teams approach customers with the same techniques, product knowledge, and brand messaging, leading to a consistent and reliable customer experience.

As new sales reps become productive more quickly, they will also start closing deals sooner, leading to increased revenue for the company.

Reduced Mistakes Through Feedback Loops

An onboarding process often includes regular check-ins and evaluations, providing a feedback mechanism for new hires. This continuous feedback loop can help identify areas of improvement, not just for the new sales rep but also for the onboarding process itself.

Proper training during onboarding can lead to fewer errors in the sales process.

Proper training during onboarding can lead to fewer errors in the sales process. Whether it's handling customer data, using sales software, or following sales protocols, a well-trained salesperson is less likely to make mistakes that could cost the company in terms of reputation or revenue.

In essence, sales onboarding is a strategic investment. While there might be upfront costs and time involved, the long-term returns in terms of sales performance, employee retention, and consistent customer experiences can be significant.

👉 Transforming a sub-optimal sales process into a well-oiled machine isn't an overnight endeavor. It requires thoughtful intervention, persistence, and adaptability. Here's Fixing Sales Performance Issues: A Guide to Sales Process Optimization.

3 Ways to Ensure Sales Onboarding Success

Ensuring the success of onboarding of your sales team requires a strategic approach that combines preparation, execution, and follow-up. Here are steps and best practices to ensure onboarding success:

1. Create a structured plan with clear objectives and milestones

Develop a comprehensive and structured onboarding plan that covers all facets of the role, from company culture to specific job tasks. A formal sales onboarding process helps new hires reach full productivity faster.

Your onboarding plan should be adaptable to individual needs but should also serve as a general blueprint. Begin by identifying what you want the new hire to achieve by the end of the onboarding process. This could be a certain skill level, a knowledge benchmark, or a combination of various goals.

Break down the onboarding process into milestones. This allows for periodic assessments and gives new hires a sense of achievement as they progress. Regular check-ins also allow you to gauge their comfort level, understanding, and any challenges they might be facing. Adjust the onboarding process based on this feedback.

2. Train, support, and provide relevant resources

Develop a comprehensive and structured onboarding plan that covers all facets of the role, from company culture to specific job tasks. A formal onboarding process helps new hires reach full productivity faster.

According to an Onboarding report by Selling Power (2019), 61% of formally onboarded reps reach productivity at 6 months, whereas only 43% of informally onboarded reps are productive at 6 months.

💡 Don't stop at onboarding! Check out our blog and see how you can consistently show up for your sellers with relevant content whenever they need it: What is the Best Way to Provide Content to Your Sales Team?


3. Communication, culture, mentors, and buddies 

Onboarding is not just about the job. It's also about integrating into the company culture. Organize team lunches, introductions, and other social events to help new hires feel part of the team. Encourage open communication.

New hires should feel comfortable voicing concerns, asking questions, and providing feedback. Assigning a mentor can be a massive help in guiding the new hires through their initial days. In the Current State of Sales Rep Onboarding and Enablement report, sales reps chose mentoring to be the most effective component of an onboarding program.

The mentor can help by answering questions, offering support, and providing a less formal line of communication. This fosters a supportive environment and accelerates learning.

👍 Did you know? Microsoft has an onboarding buddy program that has helped them improve their onboarding process drastically. One aspect that was greatly improved was time to productivity.

In general, the more the new hire's onboarding buddy meets with them, the faster they feel they'll be productive. 97% of new hires who met with their buddy more than eight times in the first 90 days of onboarding felt that their buddy helped them to quickly become productive.

Buddies helped with new employee satisfaction. At Microsoft, after 90 days on the job, new hires with buddies are 36% more satisfied in onboarding than those without a buddy. The buddy program also helps new hires understand context.

Context within the organization covers how different parts of the organization work, what are some unwritten rules or cultural norms. Context in the role– who are the relevant stakeholders, what are some best practices, and who to talk to about a specific topic.

Remember, successful onboarding is about creating a positive and supportive experience that equips new hires with the knowledge and skills they need, while also making them feel valued and integrated into the company culture.

Illustration of buddy program in a workplace

5 Common Pitfalls of Sales Onboarding

Training is an integral part of onboarding new hires. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when training new reps:

1. Information Overload

Bombarding new sales reps with too much information too quickly can be overwhelming. This can lead to confusion and make it difficult for them to retain important details.

2. Not Enough Practical Training

While theory and product knowledge are important, reps also need practical, hands-on experience. Lack of role-playing, real-world scenarios, or shadowing can leave reps unprepared for actual sales situations.

3. Inadequate Tool Training

Sales teams often rely on various tools, from CRMs to lead generation software. Not training reps adequately on these tools can hamper their efficiency. You don’t want your people wasting time on administrative tasks.

4. Outdated Training Tools and Material

The sales environment, products, and market dynamics change over time. Using outdated training tools and material can leave new reps ill-prepared for the current market scenario.

5. Focusing Only on Sales Skills and Product Knowledge

While product knowledge and sales techniques are essential, soft skills like communication, empathy, and time management are equally crucial. Overlooking these can lead to a less well-rounded salesperson.

Neglecting the company culture can also lead to new hires feeling isolated and not fully part of the team. A mentor is a great resource in integrating the new hire into the team. Failing to assign mentors or experienced peers to guide new hires can result in a lack of support and a slower adaptation process.

To avoid these pitfalls, companies should regularly evaluate and refine their onboarding processes, solicit feedback from new hires, and ensure they are aligning training with current market realities and company objectives.


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How To Foster Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is vital for maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of your sales team in an ever-changing business environment. After the initial onboarding, ongoing development can further boost performance, retention, and morale. Here's how to foster continuous learning:      

Regular Training Sessions

Schedule recurring training sessions to update your team on new products, industry developments, and emerging sales techniques. This ensures they remain knowledgeable and at the top of their game.

Coaching and mentoring

Regular one-on-one coaching sessions can address individual challenges, provide feedback, and tailor personal development strategies. Coaching sessions can be organized between a manager and a sales rep.

You can also approach coaching less formally through mentorship. Pair less experienced sales reps with veteran team members for knowledge transfer, guidance, and continuous learning.

Knowledge Sharing Sessions

Organize regular team meetings where members can share their experiences, success stories, challenges, and learnings. This promotes a culture of shared learning.

These sessions are a great opportunity to uncover areas where reps feel they need more training as well as learn from one another. Consider exposing team members to different departments or roles to give them a broader understanding of the business and cultivate a more versatile skill set.

Maintain An Up-To-Date Library Of Resources

Like books, articles, videos, and online courses that sales reps can access when needed. Not having access to the right training material is a common obstacle in onboarding (State of Sales Rep Onboarding, 2019) that leads to frustration and inefficiency.

Utilize a sales enablement platform or an LMS to deliver, track, and manage training content. This can allow team members to learn at their own pace and on their own schedules.

Remember, while the initial onboarding gets a sales rep started, continuous learning ensures they stay relevant, effective, and engaged. The world of sales is dynamic, and the most successful reps are those who keep evolving with it.

To Summarize

The journey of integrating a new salesperson into an organization is complex, multifaceted, and crucial to long-term success. The comprehensive overview provided in the preceding sections underscores the importance of sales onboarding, its intrinsic values, common pitfalls, and strategies to foster continuous learning.

  • Importance and Structure of Onboarding: Effective sales onboarding is a gateway to faster productivity, greater revenue generation, and improved employee retention. It's not just about transferring knowledge but embedding a salesperson into the very fabric of the company's culture, goals, and strategies. A well-structured onboarding process that includes orientation, practical training, mentoring, goal-setting, and continuous feedback can make a significant difference.
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Despite its importance, sales onboarding can be riddled with challenges. From a lack of structured programs to information overload, neglecting soft skills, and failing to address individual needs, many pitfalls can hinder the onboarding process. Awareness and proactive avoidance of these pitfalls are vital to creating a supportive and efficient onboarding experience.
  • Fostering Continuous Learning: Onboarding is not a one-time event but the beginning of a lifelong learning process. Encouraging continuous learning through regular training sessions, professional development opportunities, mentorship, and a strong culture of curiosity ensures that sales reps remain versatile, relevant, and engaged. It positions them not just for immediate success but for sustained growth in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

Sales onboarding is a significant investment in your team's future. It's a strategic blend of science and art, requiring careful planning, execution, and continuous nurturing. Successful onboarding doesn't merely focus on immediate performance but sets the stage for long-term success and growth.

By creating a rich, supportive, and adaptable onboarding process and coupling it with continuous learning, companies can build resilient, high-performing sales teams ready to face the dynamic challenges of modern sales landscapes.

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