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Feb 202411 min read

Channel Sales Enablement Success Stories

If your business strategy includes collaborating with sales partners such as resellers and distributors, channel sales enablement should be at the forefront of your tools and strategies. Channel sales enablement is the process of empowering your sales partners by providing them with the essential information and resources needed to effectively sell your products.

In this blog, we will explore how leading companies have achieved success by implementing channel sales enablement through the use of Showell, a premier channel sales tool. We'll delve into their unique challenges and how Showell's channel enablement solutions have helped to address these issues.

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Showell: A Leading Channel Sales Enablement Platform

Showell stands out as a comprehensive channel sales enablement platform, offering features that ensure partners can effortlessly access current, brand-aligned content.

One of the key benefits of Showell is its analytics feature, which provides insights into both how buyers interact with your content and how your sales partners utilize it. In addition, Showell also supports accessibility by being available on various platforms, including web, desktop, and mobile apps. This multi-platform accessibility ensures that your sales partners can reach the necessary sales enablement tools for channel sales, even in offline modes.

By integrating Showell, it not only improves your channel sales performance but also strengthens your partnerships by investing in their success through effective channel enablement.

cartoon of leader discussing with sellers virtually

Essential Features of Channel Partner Enablement Software

Channel sales enablement platforms like Showell significantly contribute to the optimization of channel sales strategies, ensuring that partners are equipped with the tools and insights needed for success. But first, let’s look at its features:


Content Management

At the heart of channel sales enablement lies the ability to efficiently organize and manage sales materials. This functionality is crucial for ensuring that sales content is sorted into user-friendly folders, with advanced access controls tailored to specific criteria like geographic location, product type, customer persona, or stage in the sales process.

This ensures that channel partners can swiftly find the content they need by utilizing keywords or tags, significantly improving the efficiency of the sales process.

Channel enablement is elevated through tools like Showell, which empower content managers and marketing teams to seamlessly synchronize content updates across all platforms. This creates a reliable and current content repository for channel partners, facilitating an effective and informed sales approach.


Content Personalization

With Showell's content personalization, brands can extend their influence directly into sales meetings by offering a customized, branded environment for presentations. The integration of multimedia components and other smart sales tools for channel sales further enhances the presentation, making it more engaging and effective.


Sales Meeting and Presentation Features

This essential feature allows sales representatives to conduct presentations within a branded environment, mirroring the organization's look and feel.

Access to sales pitches is accessible across devices, with the inclusion of interactive tools like drawing, zooming, and annotating to foster a dynamic presentation experience. Showell’s incorporation of multimedia elements and advanced sales tools amplifies this experience, making it more immersive and impactful.


Efficient Content Sharing

Showell simplifies the sharing of sales materials by enabling sellers to distribute content through a single link to a Digital Sales Room. This approach facilitates easy access for buyers without the necessity for additional software installations.

Furthermore, from within the Showell App sellers can increase security through the use of custom PIN codes, set expiration dates, enforce view-only access, manage download permissions, and require email verification for content access.


Insightful Analytics and Content Performance

Showell divides its content analytics into two main areas: insights into seller activity and insights into buyer engagement.

Insights into seller activity provide marketing teams with a clear understanding of how sales materials are utilized and their impact on sales performance, guiding strategic content optimization.

Insights into buyer engagement offer sellers a detailed view of how prospects interact with the content. This not only indicates interest levels but also identifies the involvement of additional decision-makers, providing critical information for refining follow-up strategies and engagement efforts.


Let's look into the success stories of major companies from various industries that have adapted Showell to showcase key use cases of a channel sales enablement tool.

Beamex’s Success with Global Sales Network: Channel Sales Enablement Solution

Beamex, a leading manufacturer of industrial calibrators, faced significant challenges with its SharePoint-based extranet system. The platform was difficult to access and use, especially for salespeople in the field who often found themselves in customer meetings without internet or limited mobile phone access.

This inefficiency in their channel sales process led to a lack of timely and relevant sales content, hindering their global sales network's performance.


Showell - Helping Beamex with User-Friendly Channel Sales Enablement Tool  

To overcome these challenges, Beamex adopted Showell, a channel sales enablement tool designed to meet the specific needs of Beamex’s sales teams worldwide. Showell distinguished itself by providing a central, user-friendly platform for accessing all necessary sales collateral, including presentations, product brochures, data sheets, and case studies.

Its user-friendly design, offline capabilities, and superior user experience made it an instant favorite among Beamex's sales team, transforming how they accessed and presented sales content in both face-to-face and virtual customer interactions.

How Showell as Channel Sales Enablement Brought Value

Showell's offline capabilities ensured that Beamex's sales team could access vital sales content anytime, anywhere, providing them with the flexibility needed to engage effectively with customers.

This feature was crucial for making a professional impression during customer meetings, allowing sales reps to present their message in a polished and organized manner, thereby building trust and credibility with their audience.

With Showell, Beamex gained insights into customer engagement through sales content analytics, tracking which materials were viewed, shared, or skipped. This data analysis offered valuable information on customer interest levels, aiding in the refinement of sales strategies.

Furthermore, Beamex experienced exceptional customer support from Showell, highlighting the tool's reliability and the company's commitment to supporting its clients' success.

By addressing the critical need for an efficient and effective channel sales enablement solution, Showell has significantly contributed to Beamex's global sales success, demonstrating the transformative power of the right sales enablement tool in today's competitive market.

Channel Sales Enablement with Showell: The Vernacare Success Story

Before integrating Showell, Vernacare faced a significant challenge that is all too common in the realm of channel sales. Their sales collateral was dispersed across various platforms such as SharePoint, Google Drive, and personal laptops.

This disorganization made it difficult for the sales team to locate the necessary materials promptly, often resulting in the use of outdated information. This not only hampered the sales team's professionalism but also negatively impacted their overall performance, presenting a clear obstacle in the path of efficient channel sales enablement.


Showell's Unified Platform Elevates Sales Enablement Tools for Channel Sales

Showell emerged as the game-changing solution for Vernacare, transforming their channel sales enablement strategy. By centralizing all sales materials in one easily accessible location, Showell ensured that the sales team always had access to the most current and relevant information. This consolidation of resources significantly boosted the professionalism and performance of both distributors and sales representatives.

Furthermore, Showell's advanced sales content analytics provided invaluable insights into customer interactions and material usage, enabling data-driven decisions that further refined the sales process. This level of organization and insight is precisely what sets Showell apart as a leading channel sales tool.

The Impact: How Showell as a Channel Sales Enablement Tool Brought Value to Vernacare

The implementation of Showell as Vernacare's chosen sales enablement tool for channel sales brought about a simplification in their sales strategy. The platform not only streamlined the management of sales materials but also improved the interaction between sales teams, distributors, and customers on a global scale.

The ease of onboarding with Showell, contrary to initial apprehensions, highlighted the platform's user-friendly and efficient design, making it a highly recommended solution for teams operating internationally. By empowering salespeople with immediate access to crucial sales materials and insights, Showell has proven to be instrumental in enabling Vernacare to "show well and sell better," thereby accelerating the customer journey through the sales funnel.

Showell stands out as an exemplary channel sales enablement platform, offering a comprehensive solution to the challenges of managing and utilizing sales collateral effectively. Its impact on Vernacare's channel sales strategy underscores the platform's value in enhancing sales performance and professionalism across the board.

Facing the Forest of Channel Sales Complexity: Ponsse's Quest for a Solution

Ponsse, a leading global manufacturer of cut-to-length forest machines, encountered significant challenges in scaling its sales enablement efforts across its extensive dealer network. As the company expanded its product range and entered new markets, the need for up-to-date product knowledge and training became increasingly critical.

The absence of a dedicated platform for sales training meant that dealers and salespeople often lacked the latest product information, hindering their ability to sell effectively and understand the technical nuances of Ponsse's offerings.


How Showell's Sales Enablement Tools Transformed Ponsse's Channel Sales

To address these challenges, Ponsse adopted Showell, a comprehensive sales enablement platform designed to support and train sales teams across the globe. Showell stood out as a pivotal solution for Ponsse, offering instant access to current, relevant sales materials 24/7.

This capability empowered salespeople to swiftly reference technical details and leverage interactive 3D content, images, and videos during client meetings, enhancing the sales process.

Branching Out Success: Showell's Impact on Ponsse's Channel Sales

Showell's integration into Ponsse's ecosystem facilitated a seamless flow of information throughout the organization. The platform's ability to generate analytics data on the performance of different teams and content not only bolstered trust within the company but also provided invaluable insights for continuous improvement.

Sales training manager Antti Räsänen's endorsement of Showell underscores its ease of use and the tangible benefits it has delivered to Ponsse, highlighting the platform's role in improving product training and, ultimately, sales outcomes across their global dealer network.

How to Evaluate the Right Channel Sales Enablement Solution

Selecting the right channel sales enablement solution is an intricate process that goes beyond feature comparison. It demands a comprehensive assessment of pricing, security, usability, support, and multilingual capabilities to guarantee the solution not only meets but exceeds your team's and business's expectations.


Opt for a channel sales tool that offers clear pricing structures to avoid paying for superfluous features. It's vital to understand the details of subscription plans, what's included, and any limitations on users to align with your budget and perform an effective cost-benefit comparison against other sales enablement tools for channel sales.

Security and Compliance

Selecting channel enablement solutions that conform to rigorous security measures and regulatory standards, including GDPR or CCPA, is paramount. Look for functionalities like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) to safeguard confidential data.

Ease of Use

The importance of an intuitive, easy-to-navigate platform cannot be overstated. A user-friendly interface reduces the time spent learning the tool, facilitating swift adoption by your channel sales team and allowing them to concentrate on achieving sales objectives rather than struggling with complex software.

Onboarding and Training

A commitment to thorough onboarding and detailed training sessions signals a provider's dedication to your success. This aspect offers a glimpse into the level of continuous support and customer service you can anticipate.

Support and Customer Success

Dependable customer support is crucial for reducing interruptions and sustaining seamless sales activities. A vendor's focus on customer success underscores their commitment to a durable partnership and to helping you meet your business goals.

Multi-language Support

For organizations operating on a global scale, support for multiple languages is essential. It ensures broader adoption and satisfaction among sales representatives by allowing them to leverage the channel sales enablement tools in their language of choice.


Showell 10 interface on tablet


Showell: Your Channel Sales Enablement Provider

At the heart of Showell's expertise lies its exceptional capability to streamline and centralize the management and distribution of sales content. This crucial feature empowers sales and marketing teams worldwide, facilitating ease in collaboration and efficiency.

Showell's solution is designed to align perfectly with your brand's aesthetic and is accessible across all devices, offering both web and native app versions with the added advantage of offline functionality.

Showell distinguishes itself as a top channel sales enablement tool, praised for its extensive functionalities and competitive pricing. With plans starting at an accessible $0/month per user for its free plan, Showell makes high-quality channel sales enablement accessible to organizations of all sizes, from emerging startups to large multinational corporations.

Crafted to effortlessly blend into your current marketing and sales frameworks, Showell facilitates integration with widely-used tools such as Google Workspace, SharePoint/Teams, Dropbox, and others. Learn more about Showell's integrations here. 

For enterprises aiming to streamline their operations and boost their channel sales strategies, Showell offers a modern, efficient, and intuitive channel sales tool. If you want to see it first-hand, simply try Showell for free or arrange a demo with sales enablement experts to fully appreciate its potential.

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Learn more about Channel Sales Enablement: