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Modern B2B Sales Blog

Insights for improving B2B sales & marketing productivity and buyer experience. 

6 Use Cases of 3D Configurator Software in Sales Enablement

Did you know that sales enablement is an integral part of any business? It gives your ...
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How to Close a Presentation?

Have you ever experienced that moment at the end of a sales presentation, that part where ...
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Asking for the Sale: When and How to Do It + 10 Questions You Can Use

Asking for the sale is often the anchor that defines the success of many B2B ...
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The Ultimate Guide: Top 25 Sales Discovery Questions

Understanding your prospect is the cornerstone of any successful deal and sales discovery ...
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Customer Needs Analysis: Converting Challenges into Solutions

Mastering customer needs analysis and having in-depth understanding of your client's ...
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The Impact of Buyer Behavior and Cognitive Biases on Sales Performance

Sales performance isn't just a metric; it's a nuanced blend of strategy, psychology, and ...
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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Virtual Sales Meetings

Virtual sales meetings have become the backbone of business communication. Since the dawn ...
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5 Proven Storytelling Techniques in Sales to Improve Your Pitch

The sales pitch matters—it's the decisive factor that could seal a deal or cause ...
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Sales Rep's Guide to Personalized Video Walkthroughs

Sales representatives no longer should, but must be able to leverage new innovative ...
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3D and Augmented Reality in Sales: 3 Real-World Examples

In the competitive world of sales and marketing, you need a secret weapon to impress your ...
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Crafting a Compelling Product Story for Winning Sales Presentations

In an age where products are plentiful and consumer choices are abundant, a compelling ...
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How to Easily Create Influential Customer References

In order for your business to compete, how do you differentiate your brand and make your ...
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Engaging Prospects in Virtual Sales Meetings

Virtual sales meetings have lower attention levels compared to face-to-face interactions. ...
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4 Essential Aspects for Preparing a Virtual Sales Meeting

Virtual sales meetings have become the norm. They've redefined how customer interactions ...
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How to Use Videos in Sales: 3 Highly Effective Tactics

As a sales professional, finding innovative ways to distinguish yourself and make a ...
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5 Essential Elements of a Winning Sales Proposal in B2B Sales

A compelling sales proposal can be the difference between closing a deal or losing a ...
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Asking for the Sale: 7 Key Questions and Phrases for Successful Non-Pushy B2B Selling

The art of asking for the sale isn't merely about throwing out a well-timed sales pitch. ...
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7 Key Elements of How to Prepare for a Successful Sales Call

Preparing for a sales call is a lot like getting ready for a big game. Just as an athlete ...
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16 Effective Sales Meeting Icebreakers and How to Use Them

Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or a newcomer to the field, you know that ...
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How To Interpret and Overcome Sales Resistance in Sales Conversations

As sellers, resistance and objections are typical day-to-day encounters. It is normal for ...
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10 Secrets To A Winning Sales Presentation

B2B sales presentations are crucial because they allow you to deeply understand your ...
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A Deep Dive Into Sales Presentation Apps: Why, For Whom, and How?

A sales presentation app is a salesperson’s means of delivering impactful presentations. ...
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How to Begin Your Sales Presentation?

How you begin your sales presentation will set the tone and trajectory of your entire ...
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Digital Sales Room: Everything You Need To Know

There is no denying the fact that everything is shifting to a digital alternative in the ...
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Digital Sales Room - What's in it for Marketers?

A sales room may have once been an office, conference room, or the doorstep of a ...
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Why Digital Sales Room Is Key To Modern Selling

Digital Sales Room is a branded micro-site that facilitates your sales journey under one ...
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Stand Out as a Salesperson With Digital Sales Room

As sales encounters move increasingly online, you have a great opportunity to stand out ...
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What is a buyer-seller gap.. and how to close it?

Lost focus and wasted time Low-performing sales is a big and costly problem for any ...
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What are common B2B sales problems and how to fix them?

Interviews with sales and marketing experts The people I talked to are seasoned ...
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Sky rocket the buying experience with targeted presentations

There's an information overload It is no wonder that this kind of information overload ...
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